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Tips to Improve Your Instagram Marketing Strategy

Social media is a great way to create relationships with your customers. Instagram, in particular, is one of the fastest growing social networks. There are now over 1 billion monthly active users on Instagram. It’s no wonder that marketers should be taking advantage of the platform!

However, it can be frustrating to know how to take your company's marketing strategy onto Instagram. Here are some tips for improving your Instagram marketing strategy and connecting with your customers on this popular social media site.

The key to success on Instagram

The key to success on Instagram is providing your audience with engaging content. People want their feeds to be interesting and full of interesting content. They want to feel as if they're following a brand that they can trust and rely on for quality, dependable products or services.

Your Instagram feed should display as many photos as possible. It's good practice to post at least once every day, but you can post up to five times per day if you like. This will help increase exposure and engagement with your followers.

However, you don't want to overwhelm your audience with too much content by flooding their feeds with new posts every day. You'll risk alienating them and they might stop following you altogether.

How to create a branded presence on Instagram

Building your Instagram presence is a great way to increase customer loyalty and drive sales. However, this process can be tricky for businesses who don't know where to start.

Here are some tips to make your branded presence on Instagram stand out:

- Create a consistent brand identity: Your followers should recognize your company's logo and colors right away. Make sure you use the same hashtag consistently and keep your logo in the corner of every post.

- Showcase user testimonials: This will show prospective customers how other people like them feel about your company. You can get these testimonials by asking happy customers to share their experience with your product or service.

- Use photos that feature what you're selling: Instagram users want to see what you're up to! They want to know about the products they could be buying from you, or what services you offer.

- Drive traffic back to your website: Link back to your website on every post with an @ symbol followed by the username of the page you're linking too, for example

Create Quality Content

The most important thing to remember when it comes to marketing on Instagram is that quality content will always be more successful than quantity.

For example, a post with a lot of likes and shares is going to have a higher reach than one with fewer likes or shares. To get the best results from your posts, you want to create high-quality, visually appealing images.

It's important not only to take good pictures but also to use the right hashtags. Hashtags are searchable keywords that will help people find your posts. The more relevant hashtags you include in your posts, the better chance you have of being found by people looking for what you're offering.

What's the Best Time to Post?

When it comes to the best time to post on Instagram, you should be posting once a day. Research from Hootsuite and AdEspresso found that the optimal frequency for posting on Instagram is 1-2 times per day.

Engage With Your Audience

The first step to growing your Instagram following is to post a variety of pictures. Post pictures that highlight your products and services, explore your company culture, or share images from past events.

It's also important to engage with the audience. Comment on other people's posts, use hashtags for different occasions, and follow your followers.

Engagement will not only help you gain more followers, but it will also generate awareness about your company.

Ask questions in your posts

One of the best ways to get people interested in your post is to ask them a question.

On Instagram, you can create surveys and polls in the story highlights section. For example, if you're asking people about their favorite food, write "Pick your favorite ____." Or if you're running a promotion on your product, ask "Which of our products are you most interested in?"

Don't forget to use hashtags that relate to your post when you share it!

Tag people in your posts

One of the best ways to get people talking about your company is by tagging them. Tag an influencer or customer in a post and they will not only see the post, but they will also be notified that you tagged them. This is a great way for you to start conversations with people who are already interested in your business and can help grow your following.

Expand your audience with Instagram ads

The surest way to get your content in front of a new audience is to run an Instagram ad.

Now you can use that information to target your ads based on:

  • - Location: State, province, city, country, and so on
  • - Demographics: Like age, gender, and language
  • - Interests: Such as other accounts people follow, apps they use, and ads they click
  • - Behaviors: Both on and off Instagram

You can also upload custom audiences of people you have existing relationships with, and use these to create lookalike audiences.

You can advertise in the Instagram feed, Stories, or Explore.
