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How to Find and Sell Affiliate Products


Okay, that’s enough hypothetical talk… how does one actually start and become an affiliate marketer?

Well, first you’re getting to need a product. so as to urge this, you're going got to head over to an internet site like Clickbank or Commission Junction. Another good one is JVZoo.

Here, you’ll be ready to see an outsized selection of various products that have affiliate programs. Just scroll through and appearance for those you’re curious about . You’ll find that you simply can see some information regarding the various products, so attempt to search for things that are selling for an honest price and offer an honest commission.

Some sites will allow you to see a rough number of sales, during which case you in fact want to seem for the things that are selling well.

Once you’ve identified the merchandise you'd wish to promote, you then got to contact the owner. If you're successful, they’ll provide you together with your link and you’ll be liberal to use that as you select .

Something else to stay in mind here though is that a lot of affiliate products will include marketing materials along side them. Remember: if you're doing well, meaning that the creator is doing well. they need every reason to require to ascertain you succeed and intrinsically , they're going to provide things like emails, a sales page, banner ads and other materials in many cases.

If you’re someone who is totally new the planet of selling , then I highly recommend that you simply choose a product that gives these sorts of bonuses. This way, you'll rise up and running almost instantly by simply copying and pasting the materials you’ve got.

You should then see yourself sell within the same numbers: it’s an equivalent product and therefore the same marketing spiel… so there’s no reason that it shouldn’t work even as well.

Like I said before: this is often literally a ‘copy and paste’ business model. somebody else already has the merchandise selling well with a group system, all you're doing is copying an equivalent system but ensuring it’s your checking account which will receive the income.

1) Selling Physical Products and Services 

While selling eBooks through platforms like JVZoo is a superb thanks to make sure that you'll keep the utmost profit, it also has its limitations. Despite what another marketers might tell you, the foremost popular sort of product online remains of the physical variety.

And this is sensible if you actually believe it. what percentage people does one know who buy physical products? just about everyone right? on the other hand what percentage people does one know who would buy an ebook? Your Grandma won't (unless it’s through Kindle) because she doesn’t skills to use a PDF file. Likewise, your friend who doesn’t like reading probably wouldn’t either!

And that basically leaves you with a way smaller cut of the market.

So how can we set about selling physical products as an affiliate marketer? the foremost popular option is to become an Amazon Associate.

Amazon’s associate scheme is their version of an affiliate program and it’s a really tempting option for several marketers.

If you search information on affiliate marketing, then you’ll likely find that the overwhelming majority of it focusses on selling digital products through the likes of JVZoo, ClickBank and Commission Junction.

On Amazon, things are different. Amazon is already splitting the profits with the manufacturer, they need to buy storage, shipping and postage and usually they can’t afford to supply you quite 4% or even 8% at a push.

This means you’ll need to sell tons more items at much higher prices so as to show a correct profit.

But does that mean you ought to rule Amazon Associates out? Not in the least .

For starters, selling physical products is usually far more profitable than selling digital products. believe it: are you more likely to spend many money on something you'll hold in your hands and show to friends, or something you've got to read on a computer screen?

Better yet, Amazon may be a recognized brand and a corporation people trust. meaning they’re far more likely to shop for from them – and that they can purchase with one click!

Amazon features a massive roster of products you'll sell which means there'll be something relevant to travel with nearly every article.

And finally, if someone clicks on your URL but finishes up buying something else from Amazon… you continue to get paid! this will potentially end in tons of earnings if someone were to – for instance – buy a replacement computer and you were to urge 8% of that. albeit you didn’t promote the merchandise directly, as long as you sent the customer to Amazon within the first place, you'd earn that commission.

So, the simplest thing to do? Use both sorts of affiliate marketing! But just don’t leave Amazon out of the equation or you’ll be missing out!

In future chapters, you’ll discover the way to promote Amazon products slightly differently, so as to urge the foremost from them.

(Note: One limitation of Amazon Associates is that you simply can’t earn cash if you don’t sleep in an equivalent country. In other words, if you're based within the UK, then you'll got to send your customers to Amazon UK. you'll still make sales through, but you’ll only be ready to collect vouchers in exchange.)

 2) Other Options for Selling Physical Products

 Amazon is in fact not the be-all and end-all when it involves selling physical products. There are countless physical stores out there, also as many manufacturers which will offer affiliate programs direct to marketers.

You might find that if you're taking the time to seem around for other products, you’re ready to find something that's far more directly relevant to the subject of your site (and thereby more likely to sell).

To find these affiliate programs, just try typing in your niche then “affiliate program” when searching on Google. you'll also find many lists online for the simplest affiliate programs in each industry.

Another option is to direct a manufacturer or seller that doesn’t offer an affiliate program… then to ask them if they might consider creating one for you. If you manage to try to to this successfully, you'll strike up an exclusive deal and potentially get an outsized commission too.

Of course, for this to figure , you would like to be ready to demonstrate that you simply have the reach and therefore the influence to form it worth their while.

3) Selling Services

Another option is to undertake selling a service or a SAS (Software As a Service). this feature is potentially the foremost lucrative!

The reason for this is often that a lot of services will provide you with a recurring commission. Let’s say that you simply manage to urge someone to check in to a gambling website. Some gambling sites will offer a commission on all earnings from that customer for his or her lifetime with the brand!

Likewise, if you'll convince someone to check in with a hosting account, or to otherwise join a recurring service, then you'll often find that you simply are offered a commission that's paid to you each month that they continue to be thereupon hosting company.

Of course, this might start as a little amount of commission. BUT it can then add up to an outsized amount of your time . during a few years, you would possibly have hundreds or maybe thousands of conversions, which can then earn you recurring income albeit your site were to shut down!
